Ines & Markus – hochzeit / wedding

| 11 july 2015 | Hochzeit Schloss Halbturn Austria |
The other day my wife asked me, as she passed by my desk, what on earth are you smiling about?!
I said oh nothing I’m just editing Ines and Markus’ wedding video.
It’s such an amazing feeling when you can tell about a couple how much they love each other even if you don’t know them that well. It’s all written all over them!! But most importantly what I love is when they really want to live through – experience their own wedding rather than get it over and done with! Luckily, my weddings lately were all the live through kinds as it was the case with this one, too.
The weather was beautiful it really favored us although in the end it was almost a little too much heat and too much light..even the priest noticed it and commented it with how much light we were blessed on the day, although it’s not such a great thing for us (as we all know the too bright sunny light isn’t the best for outdoor shootings). Anyway, it never bothered us. It was a perfect day with a very lovely and kind couple filled with lots of laughter, fun and emotions.
Ines! Markus! Have a wonderful life together! 🙂
Podersdorf am See, Halbturn
Schloß Halbturn
11 july 2015
Photographer: Udvarhelyi Szabolcs photography
Some connections: Stefanie + Christoph, Julia + Peter, Jacqueline + Michael
hochzeit Schloss Halbturn